Category: Agreement Templates
11+ Rental Agreement Templates
A rental agreement template i an e ential contract pecially igned at the time of providing or taking property on rent Thi document i u ually igned between the owner of the property and the...
15+ Loan Agreement Templates
A loan agreement template provide all e ential detail and condition of the loan and de cribe about intere t rate to pay for the loan It i a legal document, o it i important to carefully read...
13+ Confidentiality Agreement Templates
Confidentiality agreement template i a legal document which i pecially prepared to prevent from the leakage of any ecret information and a ociation can take legal action if any per on found...
11+ Purchase Agreement Templates
A purcha e agreement template i a legal document which de cribe about the term and condition related to the ale and purcha e of good It i a binding contract between the eller and the buyer...
14+ Labor Work Agreement Templates
A Labor work agreement template i an important document which i pecially con umed for the purpo e of hiring a new labor for pecific purpo e with the mention of all information, dutie and...
10+ Sponsorship Agreement Templates
A pon or hip agreement template i a way to create a proof of pon or hip with the mention of dutie about the both partie and included ome ba ic information Thi information can be; rea on of...
16+ Partnership Agreement Templates
A partner hip agreement template i a legal document and can be enforceable by court of law and igned by the both partie to en ure the haring of bu ine a pect A partner hip agreement i...
12+ Lease Agreement Templates
A lea e agreement template i a binding contract which i legally u ed for permitting ome property by the owner to other per on for a certain time period Both owner and u er, known a le or and...
17+ Tenancy Agreement Templates
A tenancy agreement template i an important document which i utilized for providing or getting a property on rent Thi document i a proof which allow a tenant to live in a property for pecific...
11+ Non-disclosure Agreement Templates
A non-di clo ure agreement template play an important role to treat pecific information a a trade ecret and promi e not to di clo e thi information with other without and authorization It i...
14+ Consignment Agreement Templates
A con ignment agreement template i a contract pecially develop between con ignee and con ignor and ometime with tran port companie for hipping of good All the term and condition agreed by...
6+ Good Faith Agreement Templates
A good faith agreement template i u ed to en ure about the incerity and hone ty of an employee within the period of employment It i generally conducted by the both partie to prevent from any...
13+ Job Agreement Templates
A job agreement template i a u ual document which i pecially con umed at the time of providing a job by a company, organization and in titute to any employee Thi document i generated for...
15+ Joint Venture Agreement Templates
A joint venture agreement template i among two partie for explained common benefit , e pecially for preparing a product The agreement a ured the legal right of both partie and can be enforceable...
11+ Mortgage Agreement Templates
A mortgage agreement template i a legal document pecially con ume for the purpo e of getting loan on the behalf of property A loan agreement can al o be a mortgage agreement with the addition of...
11+ Mutual Agreement Templates
A mutual agreement template i a legal document pecially con ume for legally binding the two or more partie Thi document erve a a proof and provide opportunity to collectively get benefit...
16+ Sublet Agreement Templates
A ublet agreement template i a legal document which i utilized for providing a property by a tenant to the ubtenant Thi agreement can be able to ign between the partie if the fir t party or...
12+ Service Agreement Templates
A ervice agreement template i a legal document which u ually include ome information about the ervice and can al o be u ed for employment, igned by the both employer and the employee Thi...
17+ Trade Agreement Templates
A trade agreement template i a legal document which make ure the completion of tran action about the good and ervice without any obligation Thi document de cribe about the term and condition...
13+ Supply Agreement Templates
A upply agreement template i u ed a a ource of de cribing term and condition about the good and ervice provided by the company to another Thi document help to re olve the obligation of...
15+ Training Agreement Templates
A training agreement template i a legal document which i generally u ed by the companie , organization and in titute for the purpo e of making proof about the term and condition Thi document...