Category: Employment Templates
14+ Employment Agreement Templates
An employment agreement template i a crucial document which de cribe about the condition which are agreed by the both employee and employer It en ure the ettlement and expectation which are...
17+ Task Sheet Templates
A ta k heet template i a very crucial heet which provide a guideline for performing variou ta k of either a ingle job or multiple job It i a training tool for newly hired employee for...
11+ Job Description Templates
A job de cription template i an important document which de cribe about the re pon ibilitie , general ta k or other related dutie of an employee A job de cription pecifie the current po ition,...
13+ Salary Check Templates
A alary check template i ba ically a financial in trument which i u ed a payable check and normally given to employee a their alary It i a profe ional de ign and approved by a financial...