Category: Payroll Templates
16+ Salary Increment Templates
A alary increment template i a type of allowance or bonu which i u ually ubtract from the alary a it i provided at end of the year or a long period of time whenever you needed a huge amount...
19+ Payslip Templates
A pay lip template, which i prepared in MS Excel along with MS Word, play an important role in order to impre ively de cribe about financial record of an employee and periodically u ed in bu ine...
13+ Payroll Templates
A payroll template reflect a li t of employee of a company who are getting alary from the ame organization a per job agreement However, it i generally referred to the total amount of money...
12+ Salary Templates
A alary i known a a payment received by the employee from an employer on the ba i of their work and related to job ta k which are briefly explained on the employment contract Ba ic alary i a...
10+ Payroll Check Templates
A payroll check template i a part of payroll which i i ued by the employer for the payment of an employee for their ervice Thi document de cribe about the deduction of taxe , any other...
14+ Salary Slip Templates
A alary lip template i a u eful document which en ured all the employee are receiving their alarie a per job agreement Thi document i al o required to igned by employee while receiving...