Category: Sample Letters
10+ Job Offer Acknowledgement Letter Templates
A job offer acknowledgement letter template i a tool which an individual can u e while re ponding to a job offer letter The time internal, tarting with a job interview and end with a job offer...
14+ Credit Inquiry Letter Templates
A credit inquiry letter template i a profe ional and bu ine document which i u ed for getting detail about credit of an individual, company, organization or any trading firm It i a great...
7+ Visa Invitation Letter Templates
A vi a invitation letter template i a formal document which i u ed for variou purpo e for getting a vi a invitation Many traveling and tour operating companie have received countle vi a...
14+ Resignation Email Templates
A re ignation email template i an electronic mail which i u ed for leaving a job by informing an employer along with a preci e rea on In the profe ional field, employee end a re ignation email...
11+ Noise Complaint Letter Templates
A noi e complaint letter template i a reque t letter which i u ed for a king for reduction in noi e Thi letter i written to the neighbor to control noi e pollution which can be a cau e of...
8+ Interview Thank You Letter Templates
An interview thank you letter template i a unique document u ed to build up a new relation hip with employer It ha a po itive impact on employer and you can end a mall gift along with a letter...
12+ Insurance Appeal Letter Templates
An in urance appeal letter template i a formal letter which i u ed to end a reque t to an in urance company to review their deci ion to deny an in urance claim Generally, it i an acknowledgement...
17+ Character Reference Letter Templates
A character reference letter template i a profe ional document which i u ed to identifying a per on and it character before providing a job It i al o known a a per onal reference u ually...
8+ College Appeal Letter Templates
Writing a college appeal letter template i a profe ional way of reque ting to college authority for providing you a chance or opportunity There are variou circum tance due to ome college could...
5+ Financial Aid Appeal Letter Templates
A financial aid appeal letter template i an important letter which de cribe about your requirement and e ential need of financial help to fulfill ome ta k or goal Thi document highlight your...
11+ Lease Termination Letter Templates
A lea e termination letter template i an important document which i con umed by both tenant and renter for the cancellation of lea e before it expiration due to different circum tance It i al o...
5+ Retirement Thank you Letter Templates
A retirement thank-you letter template i a profe ional document and con umed by variou people at the time of retirement for pre enting thankful note to the employer It pay a po itive impact on...
10+ Employee Termination Letter Templates
An employee termination letter template i a crucial document which i con umed by companie , organization , indu trie and a ociation for terminating an employee on the ba i of ome irregular...
14+ Job Resignation Letter Templates
A job re ignation letter template i an important document which i con umed for leaving a job for ome per onal or profe ional rea on Thi document i prepared for informing the employer about...
13+ Job Termination Letter Templates
A job termination letter template i a critical document which de cribe the circum tance through which an employee i u pended from hi or her duty A we all know, a job i offered for a pecific...
11+ Ask For Recommendation Letter Templates
An a k for recommendation letter template i a document which de cribe your requirement for recommendation along with a preci e rea on It help to explain the purpo e of a recommendation to the...
7+ College Recommendation Letter Templates
A college recommendation letter template i an important document for tudent in order to get admi ion in college It i al o called a college reference letter which explain qualification,...
7+ Job Recommendation Letter Templates
A job recommendation letter template i a unique document which provide detail about the qualification, abilitie and kill of a pecified per on Thi letter al o called job reference letter which...
10+ Teacher Recommendation Letter Templates
A teacher recommendation letter template i a crucial document which de cribe about beneficial characteri tic of a per on who i eligible for a teacher job U ually, thi letter i i ued by...
8+ Medical Authorization Letter Templates
A medical authorization letter template i a profe ional or legal document which permit omeone to perform certain action in ho pital or other medical in titution Thi letter provide proof of...
7+ School Recommendation Letter Templates
A chool recommendation letter template i an important document which i u ed for reque ting a chool to provide admi ion to the recommended tudent Generally, thi letter provide rea on for the...
24+ Leave Letter Formats
A leave letter format i a crucial document for providing rea on for getting leave from a company, organization or a ociation Thi letter can further be attached with leave application form which...
17+ Cease and Desist Letter Templates
A cea e and de i t letter template i a legal letter which i written by the government agencie , court and other legal a ociation for giving order to top or engage the working Thi letter i...
12+ Eviction Letter Templates
An eviction letter template i the fir t tep which i conducted by the landlord again t the tenant for the ake of relea ing property, hou e, hop, building and apartment from the tenant It i a...
10+ Condolence Letter Templates
A condolence letter template i an important document created for the purpo e of ympathy at the time of trouble when you cannot reach to meet the per on phy ically It expre e your feeling and...
13+ Letter Of Intent Templates
A letter of intent template i a crucial document generally written by the purcha er to the eller for getting information about term and condition related to the good and ervice provided by a...
14+ Termination Letter Templates
A termination letter template i an e ential document which i prepared for terminating an employee from employment becau e of any irregular activity or poor performance It define all the rea on...
16+ Resignation Letter Templates
A re ignation letter template i a legal letter which i written by an employee to the employer for the purpo e of informing an employer about leaving or quitting the job It de cribe about the...
11+ Request Letter Templates
A reque t letter template i u ed for reque ting a per on to do pecific ta k which i not e ential for the other per on It i a convincing tool u ed for ati fying omeone by de cribing about the...
13+ Sponsorship Letter Templates
A pon or hip letter template i very elegant document which i u ed by the team and event organization to people or bu ine e for reque ting ome amount, good or ervice in exchange for promotion...
10+ Announcement Letter Templates
An announcement letter template i u ed for both happy and depre ed ituation It i a formal document which i de cribed about the occa ion, event or any activity in which people are e entially...
14+ Complaint Letter Templates
A complaint letter template i generally u ed by the cu tomer to the pecific company, bu ine and organization about the problem occur in the product or ervice People mention ome bu ine and...
16+ Proposal Letter Templates
A propo al letter template i a formal letter which i created e pecially for the purpo e of offering arrangement for any ta k or activity Many bu ine e and companie receive propo al letter from...
12+ Recommendation Letter Templates
A recommendation letter template i a way of obtaining information about the kill , experience , achievement and abilitie of a per on which i hired for performing pecific ta k People require...
15+ Apology Letter Templates
An apology letter template i a formal letter which i written for the purpo e of apology for any irregular action occurrence in the pa t It i a tool for apologie to a per on who feel negative...
17+ Inquiry Letter Templates
An inquiry letter template i a way of finding information about the pecific per on which can be hired by an organization for the purpo e of employment It main purpo e i to identify all a pect of...
10+ Reference Letter Templates
A reference letter template can be demanded by any individual or organization which i preferable for variou type of matter uch a employee reference, bank reference, tudent reference and family...
13+ Sales Letter Templates
A ale letter template i a marketing tool which develop pecifically for the purpo e of ale and marketing which de cribe about the pecification of product and ervice without any ale man It...
17+ Romantic Letter Templates
A romantic letter template i a way of explaining inner feeling which cannot be de cribable without any ource U ually, thi letter end on ome occa ion a gift to enhance the feeling of joy...
15+ Company Letterhead Templates
A company letterhead template i a legal document which i u e for tran mi ion, billing, detail of product and for many other profe ional purpo e It generally include company name, logo, addre ,...
12+ Letter of Transmittal Templates
A letter of tran mittal template i a type of ecurity certificate which i the financial report of a company, bu ine and organization It i u ed in financial market by a ecurity holder a a...
11+ Email Newsletter Templates
An email new letter template i a powerful marketing and communication tool that ha variou u eful function Being a bu ine new letter, it i a ource of adverti ing for your product and de cribe...